

Hello, my name is Amanda.


I’m an avid home cook, amateur food photographer, and elementary school teacher in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

I have a degree in Family and Consumer Sciences (aka Home Economics) and a degree in Education. I’ve worked in catering, hotels, restaurants, organic farms, a farmer’s market, after school cooking clubs, and with a sustainable food systems program for kids.

The idea behind Tiny Kitchen is that you don’t need a big instagrammable kitchen to cook amazing food, eat healthily or feed a group of friends. I live in the West End of Toronto, in an apartment with my husband and taste tester, and we do just fine.

I’d like to share my love of food and teach you my favourite recipes. Other than a few food allergies that I have, I don’t restrict my diet. We (as in society) do not need fad eating. Never have. Never will. I believe in balance, moderation, eating seasonally, and socially. I hope this blog inspires you to try new things in the kitchen and to make connections through food.

Feel free to leave a comment or follow me on social media!