
Welcome to my blog where I share my love of food. Take a look around!

The Best Veggie Burgers

The Best Veggie Burgers

Omnivores and vegetarians alike, love these flavour packed patties, and often choose them over a traditional burger!


This is my first blog post on Tiny Kitchen Big Appetite. Yay!

I love to cook and read cookbooks and recipes, but surprisingly, I don’t love reading food blogs. I like to get straight to the goods, so that’s what I plan to do here.

This recipe is from that frosted tipped angel of the grill, Guy Fieri, and it will be what you want to put on your buns this summer. Don’t over dress them, I just add pickled red onions, lettuce and a little mayonnaise. You’re going to want to taste the flavour that is really a perfect sum of its parts. No ingredient stands out, but everything is important to the savoury balance. There are many ingredients, but don’t be overwhelmed. The recipe makes many, they freeze well, and can be cooked from frozen.

Ok, now the recipe. I had to say a little something, thanks for indulging me!

Roll up your sleeves and grab a friend to make a batch for this holiday weekend/this summer.

Happy Canada Day!


Gather and prepare your ingredients first. This is the most time consuming part. But, look at that rainbow.

Gather and prepare your ingredients first. This is the most time consuming part. But, look at that rainbow.

Saute the veggies until translucent before adding to the other ingredients.

Saute the veggies until translucent before adding to the other ingredients.



Glug of olive oil

3/4 cup diced red onion

1/2 cup diced black olives

1/2 cup diced red bell pepper

4 teaspoons diced jalapeno

1 1/2 tablespoons diced garlic

1/2 cup diced artichoke

1 3/4 cups or 1 can of black beans, drained

1 3/4 cups or 1 can of chickpeas, drained

1 3/4 cups or 1 can of white beans, drained

3 cups rolled oats

2 teaspoons Hungarian paprika

2 teaspoons chili powder

4 teaspoons dried oregano

4 tablespoons minced fresh parsley leaves

2 teaspoons red chili flakes

2 teaspoons ground cumin

2 teaspoons celery salt

1 teaspoon ground sage

1/2 cup bread crumbs

4 eggs*

*replace with 1/4 cup of ground flax seed whisked into 3/4 cup of water to make this recipe vegan/egg free.


The Best Veggie Burgers

Servings 24 Time 45 prep, 30 resting

Recipe adapted from Guy Fieri


In a large pan over medium heat, add olive oil and all of the vegetables (not the beans). Saute until translucent. Remove and cool.

Mash about half of the beans, so that there is a mixed consistency. You can do this with a masher or your hands. Add veggies to beans and mix thoroughly.

Add all dry ingredients along with the egg or egg replacement. Thoroughly mix all ingredients and form into patties, cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Cook or Freeze

If freezing, wrap the patties individually in plastic wrap and store in a freezer bag for up to 6 months.

If cooking, pan fry on medium (cast iron pan is best) in a little olive oil for about 3 minutes per side (longer if cooking from frozen).

The patties can be barbecued, the vegan version does not hold together as well for this method. Flip gingerly if proceeding.

Serve on brioche buns with sparse condiments. Or, top however you want.

Lemony Spinach Pasta

Lemony Spinach Pasta